Posted on August 5, 2020April 5, 2020 by Astoria Bank Secured Visa Credit Card | How to Login | How to Apply
The Astoria Bank Secured Visa Credit Card
The Astoria Bank Secured Visa Credit Card is a special credit that is designed to help anyone who does not have a good credit rating. This credit card is a good way to recover your helps a good way to recover your ratings. Applicants may request a credit limit from the outset by making an advance payment. This deposit serves as a guarantee, so if you do not pay, the bank will use it to cover your payment, which makes it a low risk for both parties. When you apply for this credit card, you make a down payment in the range of $ 300 to $ 5000, which will be approved by the bank.
If you are approved and have a good payment history, you can get the deposit back in just 11 months. In addition, you may be eligible for an increase in the credit limit (without additional deposits) in just 7 months if you regularly use the card and make payments on time.
Features of Astoria Bank Secured Visa Credit Card
The card has a $19 charge on Annual Fees
The APR for purchases is 20.24% (APR may change) and
users pay an annual fee of $ 19,
as well as a late payment fee of $ 35.
The cash advance APR is 25.49% (APR can change)
The cash advance is $15 or 5% based on the one that is larger
to learn how to use the information provided in the application form.
Before using this credit card, the following requirements must be met:
Applicants must be at least 18 years old
Applicants must have a valid U.S. address
Applicants must have a valid SSN
Applicants must pay a deposit of at least USD 300 up to USD 5,000 (max)
How to Apply for Astoria Bank Secured Visa Credit Card
Step 1 – The first step is to visit Astoria Bank’s consumer credit page. From there, you can go to the Visa Bank Secured Bank credit card and click on the picture to go to the next step. If you are notified that you are now leaving a safe site and navigating to a third-party website, you can continue safely
Step 2 – Once the page has been loaded, you can fill out the application form. The first part of the form requires your personal information
Step 3 – You must then enter the date of birth, the social security number, and the surname of the mother.
Step 4 – This phase requires entering the number of years at the present residence, the housing status and the monthly housing fee.
Step 5 – To get a better understanding of the financial situation, the first bank card will ask you for the name or company of your current employer, company phone number, and total annual income. To provide your first bankcard with additional financial information, you can disclose the amount of your check account, savings account and/or investment account.
Step 6 – At this time, you can transfer your balance and/or add another user to your new credit card account. Both are optional, skip this step if you do not want to perform any of it. To transfer your balance, click on the Balance Transfer link and enter the information you want. To add a legitimate user to your account, enter the full name of the person. Click the Continue button when this section is complete.
Step 7 – The final step of the registration form asks you to read the card usage terms and conditions When you finish reading, select the checkbox to confirm that you have accepted the conditions and click on Submit.
How to Login
To go to your online banking account, with the First Bankcard, go to the webpage of the bank. On the left side of the page is the input window where you can enter the user ID. Click on the login button, next you must enter a password. So Enter the password in the field provided and press the Sign in button. If you have entered your personal ID and password, you will be able to access your first bank account.
Forgotten user ID/password
If you can not remember the user ID or password, you can easily recover them and access the account. Go to the login page for the first bank card and click the forgotten user ID/password link found in the sign-in window. Enter the full name along with your user ID or email address on the next page.
If you cannot remember your ID, enter your email address. If you do not remember passwords, enter your user ID. Make sure you entered the correct information, then click on SEND. On the following pages, you can get more instructions on how to reset the User ID or create a new password.
Activation / Registration
If you have not activated your new Assorted Bank Secured Visa Credit Card, please call 1 (888) 295-5540 to complete the activation process. Upon completion of this process, you can then signup for your bank account with the first bank card. To start the registration process, click on the “Safe Registration Link” button to access the main page. On the Login field to the left and press the ENROLL button. Using the drop-down menu that appears, select the personal registration options from the list displayed. Next, enter the information required in the field specified.
After entering all the information required. press on CONTINUE. On the next pages, you will create your login credentials and follow other instructions specified to conclude the registration. After activating the card and creating an online bank account, you can use the new Astoria Bank Secured Visa Credit Card. Enjoy it!
Telephone: 1 (888) 295-554
The Mailing Address: First Bankcard // C/O First National Bank of Omaha // P.O. Box 2340 // Omaha, NE 68103
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